Tuesday, August 18, 2009


A portfolio is a systemic and organized collection of work and assessments that documents a person’s efforts, progress and achievements. They can be used for education, career, and personal goals. They can be both formative or developmental and summative in nature.

The Classroom Context
Within the classroom context integgrating a portfolio based tool can have many uses from students developing their own unit of work, students and teacher adding to their portfolio as information and data is collected, collating evidence and also for reflection purposes. As students are developing their portfolio (which could also be developed over the course of a term or year) it allows them to reflect not only at the end of the unit but during the development of the topic. The portfolio can show the teacher whether the students have grasped the concepts

As a pre-service teacher
The professional portfolio in my opinion would be very effective when I come to the time of looking for my first teaching job. The Professional portfolio can map my journey of learning and provide a comprehensive description of my professional life and achievements. It can be a reflective, purposeful, analytic, and developmental way to demondtrate my abilities. it can also be used to summarise the sort of teacher I believe I am. I look forward to starting my new portfolio and believe by incorporating such ICT's, I am displaying enthusiasm and capabilities with modern technology.

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