Monday, August 17, 2009

Oliver's Learning Design Framework-Situated Learning

In 1999 Prof. Ron Oliver, a researcher in ICT learning, came up with a learning design framework for ICT learning environments that is still being used to develop high quality courses for the VET sector and education. (CQUniversity,blackboard, 2009).

Situated learning encourages learners to construct their own meaning from knowledge and information in the learning process and places an emphasis on interaction and socialisation
among learners. The application of this approach to learning suggests the
need for a revised framework to reflect the processes involved in flexible
and technology-based learning. (Refer to diagram). In such a setting, the critical elements
now appear as the content, the learning activities and the learning supports (figure 1). While these three elements still reflect aspects of the separate stakeholders, they emphasise more the activities of each in the learning process.

These elements provide a strong framework for
instructional design, and highlight the importance of planning specific roles for learners, the teacher and the technology in the learning

Further reading
For more information I have attached a link to this framework. This reading is very informative:

Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education, 20(2), 240-254.

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