Sunday, July 12, 2009

Delicious Bookmarking

Delicious is a simple and effective tool for tagging information and websites for future access. I imagine Delicious to be my own personal library. The difference is that my library of information can be accessed at home, when I am out, or at school. Information I have found on the internet, that I am interested in reading, can simply be tagged onto my delicious account.

It is a well known fact that the responsibilities of teachers within today’s society have greatly increased as apposed to the teaching practices of the past. During the 1960’s our classrooms began to change in reference to the responsibility of the teacher. Within the past teaching was seen as a ‘lonely, isolated endeavour in which teachers jealously guarded their lesson plans and this has undergone significant change.’ (Serber, 2008). As technology changed, the availability of resources contributed to a greater collaboration between teachers. Tools such as delicious can provide the organisation of information that teachers can openly share at the click of a button. I might also add that their may be a reduction in the tree lopping as these ideas are shared on-line and therefore less paper is being printed.

I now understand that there are two types of tagging. Bookmarking is where we save addresses of a Website that we may wish to visit at a later date. Social Bookmarking is where we save bookmarks to a public Website. Social bookmarking within the school is again, a form of communication and a way to intrigue students about a subject as they use technology which the majority use frequently. I feel that tapping into the students interests’ is fundamental to the delivery of topics within the classroom.

Serber, M, (2008) History Education Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow .Retrieved on May 12, 2009, from:


  1. Hi Tiff,
    I also think that this tool will be great at collating and organising information for students and teachers. If used effectively it could save a lot of time for students when researching for different topics due to the easy access rather than the traditional style of researching just in books.

  2. Hey Tiff,

    I think that Delicious is a FANTASTIC site. Not only can it be used as a personal library of information but it can be used to collaborate with fellow teachers and even students. By bookmarking educational sites that students can access at any time, weather at home or at school, will greatly advantage them in their lives, future learning and in the classroom. By having something that they can choose to access not have to access invites the students to activly engage in learning on their own accord and in most cases they will. Recently on my two week block I conducted a com puter lesson on tessellations where my students visited and used a number of educational sites. At the end of the lesson I had a number of students ask me for those sites so that they could access them at home and in their own time. Unfortunatly, even though these students were given the sites, most of them would lose the piece of paper that they has written them down on or even simple forgotten about them once they got home. If I had a delcious acount at the time I could have gotten the students to sign up and simple book mark these sites so that the students could access them at any time and continue their learning. Delicious is a great site that can be used for many reasons.

    See you in todays tute,
    My Curious Dangerous Mind
