Monday, July 13, 2009

My Inventory Results


After completing the questionnaire, I was able to obtain the description of my personality type .

These are the results of my inventory. The scores are out of 20 for each style. A score of 20 indicates that I use that style often.

My Style Scores :

Visual 14 , Social 19, Physical 16 ,Aural 16 ,Verbal 18, Solitary 16 , Logical 9

Inventory Tool and how it can be used within the classroom

I am interested in giving this simple assessment to my students and find ways to alter my teaching to meet the needs that this test demonstrates in my students.

However, as an alternative I found this site below which showed a good example of how a 'personality test' could be incorporated into a English unit. The unit is based around the book "Withering Heights".

They suggested to conduct a personality test on one of the main characters. The personality test students take can also be used on characters from the novel. The class can discuss the different characters and how their varying power affects the plot. Also, how would the characters act outside of the Wuthering Heights environment? How would they be treated in today’s world? Are there people like them today? I have provided the link to this site below, it is well worth a look and a great future resource.


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