Monday, July 27, 2009

Google Maps

Have a look at my uni!

View My Uni in a larger map

Today we looked at Google Maps. As I developed knowledge of this tool, I started to think of many uses for Google Maps within the classroom. The map i have provided is of my uni CQUniversity in Bundaberg. Below I have listed some effective strategies in incorporating this tool into the classroom.

1. View the location of a field trip in Google Earth before you actually visit.
2. Embed media in Google Earth from web sites like Youtube, Voicethread and Slideshare
3. Use the Line and Path measurement tools to find distances that are challenging to measure.This is a great section of the tool.For visual students the Line and Path measurement places a real-life perspectives on the distance they are measuring.
4. Use the KML data file of the leaf colour in the UK for your science lessons. Track the colour as it changes throughout the seasons
5. A great collaborative assignment would be to have students plan and construct the next great city in Google Earth. Find a massive area of undeveloped land within GE, and let the fun begin.

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